Flaxseeds for diabetes
Flaxseeds or linseeds refine the sensitivity of insulin as insulin is the hormone that controls blood sugar levels by keeping blood sugar at a balanced level. α-linoleic acid (ALA) which is essential fatty acid and lignin is obtained by flaxseed.
Flaxseed is a rich source of antioxidants, the inclusion of flaxseed in yogurt is helpful in the regulation of type 2 diabetes.
Benefits of flaxseeds for diabetes
Flaxseeds for diabetes
The benefits of using flaxseed for diabetes are numerous these seeds lower the blood glucose level and decrease the risk of diabetes so this type of seed must be added to the diet plan for diabetics because it assists to control diabetes.
Flaxseeds are fibrous in nature and fibrous stuff is a key ingredient for a diabetic’s diet plan.10-20 g flaxseed powder reduces 20% blood glucose level in type 2 diabetes patients. 50g of flaxseed in meals for four weeks reduces 27% blood glucose level.
As flaxseeds contain omega-3 fatty acids, SDG, ALA, and fibers so by consuming these seeds various diabetes issues e.g. cardiac problems like clogged arteries as omega-3 have blood-thinning properties, and strokes can be prevented.
Omega-3 fatty acids from flaxseeds may increase the blood-thinning property of drugs like aspirin and warfarin and may act to remove blood clots from arteries. Alzheimer’s and depression are resultant problems of diabetes so fatty acids in flaxseeds are important to manage these diseases.
Flaxseeds are not less than a superfood which reduces many inflammations which are caused by insulin’s irregularities. Flaxseeds are easily digestible so these are preferred for older people.
Like many other seeds, we can obtain oil from flaxseeds about 45% oil which may be taken as a supplement for diabetes type 2 patients who are suffering from obesity because this oil is responsible to lessen the blood glucose level, cholesterol level, LDL which is also known as bad cholesterol and reduces the risk of occurrence of type 2 diabetes.
Flaxseeds carbs mainly contain fibers and these fibers may be soluble or insoluble. Viscous mass is formed when soluble fibers of flaxseeds combined with water in this way it is helpful in maintaining blood glucose level.
While those fibers which are insoluble in water excreted out from the body along with various toxins and carcinogenic cells and stop constipation. Easily digestible and high-quality protein is also present in flaxseeds. Flaxseeds have enough calories but having half cup of flaxseeds not causes weight gain.
There is not a significant difference between flaxseeds and flaxseed oil, flaxseed oil is generally extracted from dried flax seeds by pressing or through solvent extraction.
Flaxseed oil contains fats and transfers a high dose of ALA than whole flaxseeds while proteins and carbs are absent in flaxseed oil. ALA improves insulin sensitivity in both animals and humans. Ingestion of flaxseed oil is suggested to diabetes patients.
On the other hand, whole flaxseeds have fats, proteins, and carbs and these are much powerful to provide a notable amount of proteins and fibers. However, flaxseeds and flaxseeds oils both are an equally outstanding source of omega 3 fatty acids and ALA. Both have an effective and positive role in the treatment of diabetes.
Flax seeds are low-glycemic food so it is helpful to maintain the blood glucose levels in diabetics. Due to their fibrous nature flaxseeds prevent spike blood glucose levels and control them.
Flaxseeds have mucilage gum which has cholesterol-lowering characteristics because it forms a gel-like matter which is effective in fat metabolism and this gum lowers the absorption of sugar and prevents a rise in sugar level.
Insulin resistance is the main risk factor for type 2 diabetes means there are hurdles in a body to give responses to insulin so more amount of flaxseeds are needed to decrease blood glucose levels.
So insulin sensitivity is necessary to prevent type 2 diabetes and this sensitivity can only be improved by consuming flaxseeds because these have lignin which is an antioxidant and contains secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG), This SDG have the potential to improve insulin sensitivity and this antioxidant is used to upgrade insulin sensitivity and lower the risk of both type of diabetes.
SDG also acts as a phytoestrogen which mimics the estrogen and has cholesterol-reduction properties which lead to lower blood pressure as these both problems e.g. increased cholesterol level and increased blood pressure may cause diabetes so indirectly flaxseeds lowers the risk of development of diabetes with the help of SDG.
In 2007 “Public Library of Science One” found that type 2 diabetics who consumed flax seed-derived lignin supplements for 12 weeks had lower average blood sugar levels as determined by the A1C test, a measurement of blood glucose control based on the percentage of hemoglobin in the blood that contains glucose molecules.
A low score on the Hb A1C test indicates good blood glucose control over the past two to three months, while a high score indicates poor blood glucose control”. Consumption of flaxseeds lowers brain dysfunction in diabetes patients.
Platelets can be less sticky with the use of flaxseeds so it lessens the onset of a heart attack. Flaxseed oil decreases triglyceride levels which leads to a lower accumulation and storage of glucose in the blood.
How to consume flaxseeds for diabetes
Flaxseeds for diabetes
Flaxseeds must be a key ingredient in the diet plan of diabetes patients so they should be delicious. It is easy to cook flaxseeds and flaxseeds oils.
We can consume this super-natural medicine as a whole, milled, and roasted, as an oil or flour. Ground or milled flaxseeds are preferred to consume if you are not using flaxseeds oil because the ground version is easy to consume and is digestible.
Flaxseeds can be added to various other products like dairy products or in chicken patties, flax crackers can also be used.
The Exterior portion of flaxseeds is hard so it can be soaked overnight and can be used early in the morning in this way the outer nutty layer will be softened and intake will be easy.
These can be sprinkled on different types of salads.
Side Effects of Flaxseeds
As flaxseeds reduce estrogen levels and interfere with thyroid functions which may be harmful during pregnancy so these should be avoided during this condition. Flaxseed may cause stomach discomfort, diarrhea, and nausea.
Other side effects include watery eyes, difficulty in breathing, and rash.
Persons who are allergic to the Linaceae plant family should avoid this allergy may be rashes, shortness of breath, and itching.
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