<\/span><\/h3>\r\nA very rare condition in which the auditory canal does not close and stays open all the time is the patulous Eustachian tube.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\r\n<\/span>Fluid in Ear<\/strong><\/span><\/span><\/h3>\r\nAs the thickened fluid blocks the auditory tube, which prevents fluid from draining into the back of the throat, fluid in the ear can prevent the ears from popping. This is caused by infection occasionally.<\/span><\/p>\r\nThe enlargement of surrounding organs, such as adenoids or sinus tissue, is another cause for storing the ear’s fluid. The removal of this tissue could also be required if the surrounding tissue covers the auditory tube.<\/span><\/p>\r\nThe surgical placement of silicone ear tubes, which helps the ear drain and equalize air, typically handles fluid in the ear. When you have ear tubes, you should know you won’t be able to pop your ears. <\/span><\/p>\r\nThis is because vibration can be equalized naturally through the tubing into the eardrum. Serous otitis media, glue ear, and otitis media effusion are other names for fluid in the ear.<\/span><\/p>\r\nOther simple ways to pop your ears include:<\/span><\/p>\r\n\r\n\u00a0Hold your nose with your fingers.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\r\nClose your lips<\/span><\/p>\r\nTry to blow your nose.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<\/blockquote>\r\nThe strain in the back of your nose will build, and the Eustachian tube will be pushed open. The person experiences a cracking in the ear several times as the Eustachian tube opens.<\/span><\/p>\r\nOne can equalize the pressure between the middle ear and the surroundings by opening the Eustachian vent. Every negative pressure is released, and the middle ear space can remove the fluid.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<\/span>What to Do When Your Ears Won’t Pop?<\/span><\/span><\/h2>\r\nTypically, it only takes a couple of attempts to balance the ears. Consult a specialist if you start having ear pain or if, after two weeks, you somehow can’t ease the strain. <\/span><\/p>\r\nThere may be an underlying disorder that causes the ears to feel clogged.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<\/span>Can Candles is the Best way to Pop your Ears?<\/span><\/span><\/h2>\r\n